University of Agriculture in Krakow
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Department of Hydraulics Engineering and Geotechnics
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy
University of Agriculture in Krakow

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The scientific and teaching activities of the Department of Hydraulics Engineering and Geotechnics focus on two areas:

Hydraulic Engineering:

  • methods for measuring bedload as well as suspended load carried in rivers and streams,
  • radioisotope measurements of the beginning of the movement of bedload in a flood wave,
  • numerical modeling of one-phase and two-phase flow in rivers,
  • measurements bed armouriong and transport monitoring,
  • river restoration,
  • fish passes - structures and hydraulics,
  • silting of small water reservoirs and fish ponds,
  • assessment of the quality and possibilities of agricultural use of sludge,
  • impact of water damming on adjacent areas.


  • the use of natural soil and industrial waste for the construction of various types of earthworks,
  • designing safe industrial and municipal waste landfills,
  • model tests of filtration through hydrotechnical structures,
  • model tests of various types of seals,
  • testing of geotechnical properties of natural soils and industrial waste, including frost resistance, for road and foundation purposes,
  • numerical calculations of the stability of slopes of earthen structures and natural slopes, taking into account the influence of water filtration,
  • numerical calculations of displacements of earth structures, including retaining walls using reinforced soil technology,
  • protection of areas adjacent to roads with heavy vehicle traffic against the adverse effects of noise.

The Department of Hydraulics Engineering and Geotechnics has a well-equipped geotechnical and hydrotechnical laboratory, which uses, among others, two hydraulic flumes allowing for filtration tests in models of various types of earth structures and tests simulating water and sediment movement in open watercourses.